We are driven by passion and purpose to deliver impact with our dynamic capacities including knowledge and skills, impactful networks and global community of Christians willing to extend the greater love to those in need as true manifestation of their Christian faith with the vulnerable needy.
Our mission
To ensure that no body suffers or perishes from neglect, abuse or deprivation and that every vulnerable child grows up in a loving environment
Our vision
Improved quality of life of the vulnerable orphans, needy children, and vulnerable widows and disabled, win souls for Jesus Christ and improve the quality of living in the rural community.
Core Values & SDGS
Mutual respect
Aims & Objectives of RWODEC
To provide emergency protective care, a transitional home and community reintegration services for orphans and other vulnerable children.
To lobby and advocate for equal access to natural resources, create assistance models for both vulnerable children and women in agriculture and mining and ensure equal market access for products from all participating women in Rwenzori.
To enhance and promote the economic empowerment through the agricultural and mining sectors.
To carry out any activities with the intention of service and profit making for the benefit of women in the income generating sector.
To augment meaningful participation of vulnerable people in mining and in agriculture in line with national development frameworks especially the broad based economic empowerment as mentioned in SDGs.
To protect each child’s rights to heritage, religion and tribal linkage. We promote human rights according to UN declaration.
To provide a safe shelter and family-like environment for orphans and other vulnerable children who have no one else to take care of them.
To provide children under our care with adequate diet, clothing, access to safe healthcare, age-appropriate education and guidance, while protecting them from neglect, discrimination, violence and abuse.
To endeavors to reconnect with existing loving family members that can provide proper care for the children. Where a child is unable to return to his or her parents or extended family, to connect children under our care with loving foster and adoptive parents with whom they can experience one-on-one affection and close family relationships.
To reduce vulnerability by providing support for caretakers and the families of vulnerable children in field such as education, health, familyplanning and resourcefulness