Our projects

RWODEC Orphanage Home & External Foster Care program

At the orphanage home, the children requiring dedicated foster care are admitted being taken care of by volunteer foster mothers trained on child protection and having hands on experience in childcare. At the orphanage home, all children find mothers willing to step in the shoes of their late parents, a loving family to make them over the damage of being abandoned and a new purpose for their life through the guidance of mentors.

At the moment, RWODEC Orphanage Home is taking care of 20 children. The facilities at the orphanage now don't support more than 20 children whose physiological, social and Emotional needs for development are given a priority.

However, Because of the limiting size of our orphanage home, we came up with a campaign tagged “keep an orphan in school”. This campaign is meant to help educate those orphans whose single parents cannot afford to pay school fees or total orphans who are looked after by guardians or community Samaritans who can no longer manage to take care of the child yet at the same time our orphanage cannot accommodate them for full care required. This external program renders orphans with necessities including education inform of school fees and scholastic materials and clothes while staying with their single parents or guardian.

Primary school & Skills Development center

The Rwenguhyo Orphanage Development Centre is dedicated to providing education opportunities for underprivileged children. They offer formal education, as well as secondary and tertiary education options. In order to fulfill this mission, the centre has established a school specifically for needy children. This school is located in Rwenguhyo Cell, within the Kisinga Town Council and Bukonzo East County. Additionally, the centre has set up a skill development center where vocational courses are taught. These courses include tailoring, carpentry, hairdressing, shoe making, mechanics, liquid soap making, mushroom production, and knitting. Upon completion of the courses, trainees receive certificates from the Directorate of Industrial Training (DIT), as mandated by the Uganda Vocational Qualifications Framework. The Rwenguhyo Orphanage Development Centre is committed to empowering these children with valuable skills and knowledge for a brighter future.

Abundant Health

Recognizant of the significance of having a healthy population of realization of human progression, Rwenguhyo Orphanage Development center in line with the global stand of the Ecumenical Orthodox Catholic church to lead in provision of holistic health care for thousands of people as well as houses for people who are elderly, chronically ill or who have physical or learning disabilities has prioritized efforts  in response to the pandemic of HIV and AIDS, COVID 19, Malaria, Typhoid, infectious diseases, Reproductive health and water borne diseases.

More than 1,000 health Practionners are engaged in providing value-based prevention education, treatment, care and support to people living with or affected by HIV in all parts of the country. 

We are stepping up their fight against non-communicable diseases with practical programs on the ground. As prevention is better than cure, Rwenguhyo Orphanage Development Centre is funding screening for high blood pressure in UGANDA, community-based health workers have been trained to raise awareness about lifestyle changes in various rural areas.

Rwenguhyo Orphanage Development Centre wants attention paid to growing problems such as obesity, which are piling up problems for decades to come in both rich and poor countries.

“Go and do likewise.” (Luke 10:37)

Sustainable Agriculture and Livelihoods

Agriculture is a vital sector in the Ugandan economy, serving as a major source of employment and making a significant contribution to the GDP. It is also the primary sector responsible for ensuring food security in the country. Our projects aim to enhance the capabilities of small-scale farmers, particularly women, enabling them to produce nutritious crops for both their households and the commercial market. Through the operation of demonstration plots, RWODEC showcases different crops, vegetables, and agroforestry techniques to promote sustainable farming practices. Additionally, we distribute drought and pest resistant varieties of crops to vulnerable households, particularly those with orphaned and vulnerable children. By focusing on sustainable agriculture and improving livelihoods, we aim to create a more resilient and food-secure future for Ugandan communities.

Income Generating Projects


Our poultry project raises local breeds and kroilers for the local market. Annually 30 birds are sold and replaced. With limitations in infrastructure, the project is not currently having capacity to rear beyond 100 birds. Through the donations to general fund, we hope to get funds to expand and improve the available structures to be able to operate on bigger scale

With training received from Subcounty Extension services and Agri Evolve on Bee keeping as business, RWODEC was able to start the project with 15 traditional bee hives. The intension is to transition from traditional beehives to Kenya Top Bar (KTB) hives which are more durable and safer. Both financial and in-kind contribution towards this project are highly welcome

Bee Keeping

Inspired by our long-term purpose, we are committed to create alternative ways to generate income to supplement any donations received.

For the start, Three enterprises were identified to be feasible that is poultry, Piggery and Bee keeping. These projects are ongoing though not operating at the desired scale as of now

Pork, chicken and honey all have great local market demand and thus no need to export to be able to earn incomes.