Our History
Rwenguhyo Orphanage Development Centre is a faith based charitable organization under Ecumenical orthodox Catholic Church (EOCC).This organization started on 4th January, 2012 by a group of committed born again Christians who conducted a study tour to the surrounding sub counties and districts of which among the findings formed the basis of Rwenguhyo Orphanage Development Centre so as to reach out to a wider community with benefits arising from our programs /activities but also identify measures of working closely with all categories of people in the community. Ecumenical Orthodox Catholic Church in Uganda is part of the worldwide orthodox Catholic Church, under the spiritual leadership of head of bishops.
Among the findings were: Orphans and needy children are suffering, community problems and challenges need physical, spiritual, psychological and social intervention like prayer, fasting and counseling, creating income generating projects to reduce on household poverty.
We work with governments and other churches to create a world of peace, economic empowerment and contribute to local community development through our church programs and projects, but not at the cost of faithfulness and truths of our faith in Christ.
The members were inspired by a biblical verse taken from the book of James1:27 “what God the father considers to be pure and genuine religion is this: to take care of orphans and widows in their suffering and to keep oneself from being corrupted by the world.”
Then members came up with a common interest and determination to share knowledge and skills as a means to improve on the livelihoods of the target groups.
Rwenguhyo Orphanage Development Centre is committed to helping orphans and needy children, widows and widowers attain self-esteem, hope and self-reliance through providing food, clothing, medical care, School fees, scholastic materials and spiritual word of God. It also economically empowers the general community through income-generating projects like kitchen gardening, fish farming and animal rearing to increase food security at household level and increase their household incomes.